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21 сентября и Локерби


That's called ZIONISM not fascism... Hello just finished the footbal match NAPOLI-FIORENTINA 0-0.
Anyway nope, this isn't fascism. This is much much much worst!
Well fascism (fascismo) is a typical italian term.

If you assume that Gaddafi is a good man, despite this fuking propaganda which is turning into an evil man, than you've to reconsider the whole history.

Since the whole history is totally faked 100%.
Remember that the persons who wrote the "historic" books saying that Hitler was evil, are the same that now they will write in the next history's books that Gaddafi is a mass murderer.
If Gaddafi will lose he'll become the new Hitler/Mussolini/Saddam/Milosevic/Ceacescu (etc).
Well probably you don't know that Hitler/Mussolini/Saddam/Ceacescu were helping a lot their countries.
Gaddafi's socialism is ad advanced evolution Hitler/Mussolini's socialism.
But he had 42 years to work, while Hitler had only 6 (1933-1939).
In Italy almost all good thing we've now, are still originally made from Mussolini.
65 years of demoNcraZy destroyed almost everything.

Obviously 90% of italians hate Mussolini because they're brainwashed from the US propaganda which they study in the "history's books".

Now they're saying that Gaddafi is a mass murderer.
Well same happened against Hitler.
I've made a small summary of 20 pages (microsoft word characater times new roman 12) which shows all the event that were manipulated. But unfortunately is in italian, so i can't send it to you.

And you also should know that when Gaddafi went for his 1st time in Italy he went on "Monte Giano" which was the Mussolini's mountain.
This image is Monte Giano:
You can read the word: "DUX" for kilometers far away from there.

Gaddafi loves Mussolini, but he can't admit it obviously since Libya was under Italians, and as you know because of that, Berlusconi gave Gaddafi 5 billion euros, for ask them to forgive us :)

Remember the most in Nort Africa countries know that holocaust (jewis, gay etc.) is a zionist fraud. Hitler was a supporter of Palestina. All muslim hoped till the end that Hitler was gonna win the war. Obviously all holocaust and the extermination's plans associated to him are FRAUDS. He never hated russians or other people.
He was forced into WWII against his willing.
Check this:
Peaceful Rebels and protectors from NATO - a closer look

Загружено пользователем Invisibility88, дата: 09.09.2011
Дата: 23.09.11
Сообщение: Hello, do i've to delete this comment?

You are right concerning osmile...:) and I congratulate you on the finishing of grand translation of Locherby and creating a new video!
I was also translating and posting and one of my translatings at the very end flew away and I had to begin from the very beginning:))
Good night.
If you find some time have a look at my e-mail and tell me your opinion on my questions, please:)

Загружено пользователем Ryuzakero, дата: 22.09.2011
Lockerbie: the truth. Gaddafi is innocent.
Дата: 22.09.11
Сообщение: Very important video to understand how the international (in)justice works.
Video is also english subtitled.
Дата: 21.09.11
Сообщение: I'm subtitling and translating this video:

Загружено пользователем hhhpets, дата: 02.06.2011
Из чего Рузя сделал свой Локерби
Libyan's war: NATO'S crimes
Дата: 25.09.11
Сообщение: People like us (me and you) obviously are innocent and we're even working to spread the truth.

But at governement's level Italy is a responsible same as US/FRANCE/BRITAIN/RUSSIA/CHINA.
Remember that Russia/China could have stoped this war before then its starting so they're responsbible swell.
I don't deny the italian's crimes, but i'd like to see that you recognize also the crimes of your governement.
Russia votes NO and no war it happens.
Russia didn't make this, and war crimes happens.
Simple as that.

Italians politicians are same criminals of russians politicians.
So i hope that u understand that i've no PERSONAL interestes in saying what i said.

In 150 years of Italy I'VE NO PROBLES ADMITTING the only 18 good years were from 1921 to 1939.
Rest is just shame. 130 years of shame.
As you see i'm totally impartial. I've no interests in speaking propaganda or defending Hitler.
I just said what -after i studied for hundreds of hours- i think is the truth.

Картина дня
