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Диана привет. Благодарю для новости, добрая весть :)

У меня нет жж !!

Отправлено: dip394 
заблокировать пользователяотметить как спам ОтветитьОтветить всемУдалить  19.09.11
 R:DiP394 ti ha inviato un video: "The Occupation of Wall Street Rev. Billy Preaches, 9/17/2011 forever!" You said:
"Here they are to whom I could not send. Please send them:) MissLibyana, mackdv1st, dandomina, TheJazairia,
alphasex5, Hermundureify, camsrry2, AdamLibye, LibyaLibyan,almalek844,"

You couldn't send it to them, bcz you ended it with a comma ",".

So try to use this list, without the final comma:

MissLibyana, mackdv1st, dandomina, TheJazairia, alphasex5, Hermundureify, camsrry2, AdamLibye, LibyaLibyan, almalek844

Try it and you'll se that it will work :)
3:06Добавить в
the short report reflects the fact that Gaddafi and his regime .. Отправлено: dip394  заблокировать пользователяотметить как спам ОтветитьОтветить всемУдалить  19.

 R:DiP394 ti ha inviato un video: "Dr Moussa Ibrahim - 14th September '11 [English]"
Дата: 19.09.11
Сообщение: lol but did you send this only to me or also to others? xD
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 Ryuzakero  Кому:  
Тема: HELLO!
Дата: 20.09.11
Сообщение: Hello Diana, you said:

>>>>> U-tube refuses to take the 4th list:

I gave you 5 list :P
Please save alsto the 5th:

sadanoz, oliverlaw02, PukovnikGadafi, LeoNAGL, lovetaishan, drrjtco, andrabeta1971, gile1981, hymexx27, MrWeitblick, NikolayFPS, quietpragmatic, zutimrav, VexZeed, 21boxhead, pimpdarlin, rickrizzle47, Scrinthe, sykofreak18, karonja07, MrBALBALA123, Xsur1, r0ll0t0masi, PigTempler

>>>>> ==Вы недавно разместили несколько сообщений. Подождите некоторое время, прежде чем размещать следующее.==
>>>>> It means:You have sent several messagas recently . Wait for some time before messaging the next.
>>>>> Ooops..

The "sharing" function is heavy, and then Youtube won't allow you to send other messages for some minutes. Else You can also try to use also your 2nd account to do it.
You've to use the "share video" function only when you want share a video which you don't like and you want send red thumb down.

But when you want send us a video which you like, first add it on favorites, and then come on this MESSAGE-YOUTUBE-FUNCTION-WHICH-I'M-USING-NOW and put an attachement video, as you see on this image (which you can find also as attachement file of here):

For example this message with an attachemetn video i'll send you now, it won't finish on "share section" but on normal messagges 
List corrected
Дата: 19.09.11
Сообщение: Ops, previous list contained an error.

Here the 23 new friends:

sadanoz, oliverlaw02, pukovnikgadafi, leonagl, lovetaishan, drrjtco, andrabeta1971, gile1981, hymexx27, mrweitblick, nikolayfps, quietpragmatic, zutimrav, vexzeed, 21boxhead, pimpdarlin, rickrizzle47, scrinthe, sykofreak18, karonja07, mrbalbala123, xsur1, r0ll0t0masi

I had to remove 1 of them, because he blocked the mails :)
Here a new list for you :)
Дата: 19.09.11
Сообщение: Here you've other 24 friends :)

sadanoz, oliverlaw02, PukovnikGadafi, LeoNAGL, lovetaishan, drrjtco, andrabeta1971, gile1981, hymexx27, MrWeitblick, NikolayFPS, quietpragmatic, zutimrav, VexZeed, 21boxhead, pimpdarlin, rickrizzle47, Scrinthe, sykofreak18, karonja07, MrBALBALA123, unclemonkeyking, Xsur1, r0ll0t0masi

I found all their comments pro-Gaddafi in these 2 videos:

Ryuzakero (56 мин. назад) Удалить | Заблокировать пользователя | Спам Это спам Hello Diana.
Дата: 19.09.11
Сообщение: I received your message. That's why i know what you sent us.

Problem is that you gave us a not working link.
The "Global Revolution" Link didn't work here.
Instead when you sent me at email, it worked.

By the way, did you check last email i sent you?
Did u understand how to share a video with us? :)
Try to share a video with me and Libby .)
R:Re:Пользователь Ryuzakero прислал вам видео "Libya The Truth being told & shared Viva You Tube."
Дата: 19.09.11
Сообщение: Hello Diana.
Di You ask me why your link (GLOBAL REVOLUTION) doesn't work?
If I click over the link u sent me by email it WORKS.
But if I copy/paste that same link, you sent us, via Youtube, on Internet, then it DOESN'T work. I've no idea why it happens :(
Anyway thanks for having respondend me about LJ = LIVE JOURNAL and check the mail i've sent you at last :)
And obviously yes, I appreciated the fact you put these 2 red thumbs down at that video anti-Gaddafi :)!

Anyway check the email i sent you, where i explained you how you can share a video up to 25 users each time, with a single message.
And I suggest you to see this vide, which is much important, for the informations its give you:

Загружено пользователем wonderfulight, дата: 09.04.2011


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